ARTICLE TITLE: Detection of the radiolysis of solid ampicillin by UV - spectroscopy

ARTICLE AUTHOR: Gibella-M; Tilquin-B

REPRINT AUTHOR: Tilquin, B; Univ Catholique Louvain; Unite Analyse Chim & Physicochim Medicaments; UCL-7230,Ave Mounier 72; B-1200 Brussels; Belgium

SOURCE: ANALUSIS-. SEP 1999; 27 (7) : 657-662


We propose to detect the use of gamma-rays in order to radiosterilize ampicillin by UV absorption spectroscopy. The UV absorption results are verified by comparison with HPLC-diode array analysis. The sensitivity is excellent (10(-6) M). The wavelengths in the range from 287 to 335 nm are characteristics of radiolysis related substances. It is possible to use this range of wavelengths to detect the radiolysis of ampicillin with an usual UV spectrophotometer.